Monday, September 24, 2012

Email: June 4, 2012

Hello Family! 

This past week was a really good one.  We had a ton of referrals from members and other places.  We got two media referrals, one from temple square and the other from which was very cool, I have not seen one from yet.  One of them wasn't interested and only agreed because the sisters on temple square talked her into it.  The other though, his name is hunter and he requested a copy of the book of mormon and so we went and left one with him and set up a return appointment.  The others that we got from members turned out well also.  We got two new investigators out of one of them and one more out of another.  The one that turned into two was Eric Constantino and his girlfriend Tanya.  Eric is in a wheelchair but is the most ripped person I have ever met.  Its crazy.  He spends like 4 to 5 hours at the gym everyday working out.  It's insane.  But they are both pretty interested and were willing to meet again.  We taught them the first lesson and set up a chapel tour. 
So funny story.  I have the worst luck when it comes to bikes.  I took the bike and got it tuned up and a fixed up a little and then two days later I wrecked going up a curb and bent the back rim in half, I will try and attach a picture of it at the end of the email so everyone can see.  I didn't get hurt but betsy sure did.  I am going to borrow a bike from one of our investigators for a little while which should get me by.  And it means that we have to be in touch with him more often which will be good! 
We didn't end up going on exchanges with the assistants like we thought we were last week, so they are coming down tonight instead and doing it.  I am not very excited for that.  They are both very self righteous and act like they are perfect which is very frustrating.  They are rude if you do anything wrong.  But they both go home soon so its okay.  The mission is kind of going down hill with how many baptisms we are getting per month.  When I came out the first time we were averaging around 100 a month but now we are down to like 55ish.  President is doing everything he can to try and figure out what to do to get it back up but he wont listen to any of us.  Only the assistants and it is very frustrating. 
Our district is doing pretty good though.  We are steadily getting our dates back up.  We are now back to 7 with a date.  We had a good district meeting the other day where I posed the question what can we do to make the work progress faster?  We had a really good discussion with everyone about taking things back to basics and teaching the 5 basic principles of the gospel.  Everyone had good imput and we did some role plays to practice how we would answer questions by keeping it very basic.  It was not what I had planned to teach however.  I was supposed to talk about getting people to sacrament.  The spirit had us go a different way though. 
If you send that other sd card back then I will send the one i have now home with all the pictures on it.  I don't have much room on this one anymore.  Well I love you all very much! 

Elder Erickson

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