Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Email: April 9, 2012

Hello Family! 
Sounds like Easter went well for you all and you had some good talks to listen to in Stake Conference.  We had an AWESOME week!  We actually got asked Tuesday if we would speak in church yesterday which was kind of nerve wracking but it went really well I felt.  We had a youth speaker who talked about what the Resurrection is and what it means and she did a really good job.  Elder Mildenhall then spoke on the prophesies of the Resurrection in the old testament.  The choir sung a few songs, one in between each of the speakers.  I was the concluding speaker and I ended up having about 20 minutes to fill.  I was pretty nervous because I have never had to do that before but the spirit helped me along and I feel that it went really well.  I spoke on what Christ did after his Resurrection and what he taught about and what it means to us that he conquered death.  I had anticipated having a good amount of time so I prepared a lot this week so I had things to talk about. 
Other than that we also ended up setting two baptism dates so now we have 3 with a date right now which is awesome!  I haven't been good at that part of missionary work yet and so I made a goal to be better and I am striving to be bold with people and help them change how they live by making commitments. It also helps that I have been given that challenge by President Young and I really want to show that I am dedicated to this work and that I will do it to the best of my ability.  We are going to have a baptism about a week from Thursday with a girl that has been coming to church with our one of our members who wants to be baptized and is very anxious about it.  We taught her the first two lessons after church yesterday and it went really well.  The other was with Marcus that we have been teaching for a while.  I have talked about him a few times I think.  He has been reading the Book of Mormon and wants to see the evidence that it is true.  He believes that faith is very evidence based and says because it claims to be actual history that he wants to see the proof.  We have given him lots of references that he can look at and he has been.  We set a goal baptism date this week so he has something to work toward and he's not just doing nothing to reach that goal every week.  He knows that if it is true that all of it is and he really understands the importance of the Priesthood and it being restored and wants to be a part of it when he comes to know that it is true. 
We also had a cool experience Saturday and Sunday.  The ward put on a musical performance commemorating the Resurrection.  In the middle of the program a young guy walked in that we had never seen before and just sat down and listened to the rest of it.  We talked to him afterward and he had been walking by and heard some "good music" and wanted to hear more so he came in and sat down.  He started talking to some of the members and made some friends and we all invited him to come back to church the next day and he was super excited and he came!!  He is like 17 I think and he loved it and plans on continuing to come and worship with us.  His name is Zack.  The member who went and picked him up actually ended up talking with his mother as well and she has a brother that is a member and she wants to hear more about the church as well.  We might actually be teaching him tonight at a member's home which will be awesome!  The work is going so well right now I love it.  I am trying to follow the example of one of my zone leaders that I have had since I got back out, his name is Elder Bird.  He is one of the most successful missionaries I have seen and its because he just goes out and works hard and has fun!  Those are the two biggest keys to success is doing the work but having fun while you are doing it.  People can see when you love what you are doing and want to know why.  Anyway I feel that that is why we are having success right now. 
How is everyone else doing?  Mom and Grandma have done the challenge and created a profile, what about everyone else?  Matthew and Melinda you both spend enough time on the computer just go onto instead of Facebook one time and make a profile.  Matthew there is a video of a professional snowboarder named Jeremy Jones that I really think you would like.  Just try it out, it is awesome!!   Time is flying by, it is already April of 2012, we're a third of the way through the year already!  Crazy!  Well love you all very much and remember life was not just to be endured but enjoyed! 
Elder Erickson

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